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Gyan Ganga


Watch Gyan Ganga with Guru ji, see and hear the best in their fields engage in a live QnA on the science of spirituality, live on facebook. An eye opener for anyone wanting to tread the path
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Guests on Gyan Ganga

Maneka Gandhi asks Guru ji

An enlightening interaction on Gurus, Politicians, Karma, Thought and Deed, Moksha and Guru, Power to Influence Minds, Shortcut to Siddhi and Tools to Alleviate Pain.

"In creation nothing is constant, either you go up or down"

"When you associate yourself with the temporary you make a mistake, as you discount the karma"

Anu Malik asks Guru ji

An interesting discussion on the Science of Clairvoyance and Healing, Yoga and Courage, Mantra and Music, Sensitivity to Animals, Life After Death and the Role of Celebrities.

I believe in the religion of humanity.

If the Indian film fraternity, donates just one day's income, there would be no strays.

Union Minister Ayush asks Guru ji

None other than the Minister for AYUSH joins us on Gyan Ganga with Yogi ji on the International Day of Yoga. Watch this episode to clear all your doubts on Yoga, Siddhis of Yoga, Guru Shishya Parampara, Science of Mantras, Healing through Yoga and Changing form of Yoga.

Yoga is Yoga. It never changes form. Change is introduced by how you perceive it with your limited buddhi.

शिष्य के अंदर योग की इच्छा कितनी है, किस श्रेणी की है ? ये जरूरी है | रामायण के समय में बंदरों को मौका मिला, महाभारत काल में क्षत्रियों को। आज का समय सामान्य लोगों के लिए है ।

Dr Sangita Reddy, FICCI President asks Guru ji

The episode explores the topics of Age Reversal through Yoga, Standardising Yogic Practices to Share within and outside the Country, Scalability of Yogic Power and Possibility of Online Transference, Aura and Inner Happiness.

There is contentment stillness and happiness in the higher worlds. No movement. So when you are content, happy and still that is the experience of the higher world.

You cannot sell the science of Yoga, it has to be imparted from the Guru to the Shishya. Since you can’t sell it, the world is not interested.

Amitabh Kant, CEO Niti Ayog asks Guru ji

In this enlightening episode of Gyan Ganga, Sh Amitabh Kant, CEO of NITI Aayog asks Guruji some really exciting questions, including the importance of the cow in our culture, Guruji's take on veganism, science of clairvoyance and Dhyan Foundation's Indian Medical Association experiment, to name a few.

The milk of the desi cow has been called nectar. Our desi cow has a hump on it and that hump processes sun’s energy and brings in vitamin D.

The science of clairvoyance is given in the Atharvaveda by the name of ‘yatu vidya’. It’s a science which anyone can acquire by going deep into the practices / Sadhna.

Pandit Shubhendra Rao asks Guru ji

World-renowned music composer and sitar player, Pandit Shubhendra Rao has a heart-to-heart with Guru ji on the importance of Guru, Naad and Yoga, the power and ability of Music and Ragas, experience during performance versus a spiritual experience, the relevance of a cow, our future generations and much more

When you play a musical instrument, you are not looking at it and yet you play beautifully. It’s because you internalise. If you look, then mind is at play, and won’t have the same effect. When you go inside, that frequency is generated. The vibration guides you.

गुरु केवल ज्ञान देते हैं और वो ज्ञान आपका होता है । जब आपके भीतर वो ज्ञान आता है, तब आपकी आंतरिक यात्रा शुरू होती है ।

Lt General (Dr) MD Venkatesh asks Guru ji

Lt General Doctor engages in an interesting conversation with Guruji about veganism, the benefits of yoga for the common man, the relevance of religious symbolism, the significance of the colour saffron, the debate of duty and danger for healthcare workers amidst the global pandemic.

Veganism is a direct attack on our culture and on the brains of the youth. They are being misguided to ingest other kinds of foods because cows in the West have become useless now. 

The subject of yoga has to be practised as it was intended. Yoga is not meant to cure diseases. It is meant for a journey from here, this basic level of existence, to the final frontier which is called the Divine or sukshma iti sukshma.

Lt Gen (Dr) Puri asks Guru ji

A doctor asks Guru Ji about Mantras & Resonance, what Spirituality has to do with Animal Welfare, the Meaning and Importance of Charity and Violence in the Workplace against Doctors.

A mantra has shakti, beej and keel. When the guru gives you the mantra and you are chanting it in the right way, you will resonate the frequency of the mantra after some time and your frequency, what you are at the present moment, is going to shatter. And since energy cannot be destroyed, it changes form, so you will now vibrate at a different frequency. 

The dirtiest water becomes pure when it flows and if you hoard the purest water, it will rot (unless it is Ganga water). Flow is important. Do as much as you can possible and for as many beings you can. 

Dr MC Mishra, Former Director of tAIIMS (Delhi) asks Guru ji

A detailed discussion on How to deal with Stress during the Pandemic, How to maintain a Positive Mindset against Odds, Examinations and Fear among Students, Sanatan Kriya, Yoga and Disease Amelioration, Dhyan and Meditation, Pranayam and Breathing.

The human body is like a computer and chakras are like software in that computer. Fear is a defect of the software of Anahad Chakra. 

Face your fears. Fear doesn’t have the strength to shake your soul. To understand this, do a simple yogic kriya called Sanatan Kriya. Your fear will disappear. The problem is not the virus, the problem is the fear.

Kavita Krishnamurthy asks Guru ji

An engaging conversation that reveals the truth of Tantra, the seed of Fearlessness, Who are Aghoris, Secrets of Anti-Ageing, Svaroop of Shiv, Proofs of Vedic Ingenuity and the Way Forward for the Younger Generation.

Our children do not know that Indians always knew that the Earth is round. In our scriptures, it is called Bhugol.

The basis of Hatha Yog is perseverance. It taps into the science of nadis for the rise of kundalini energy.

Narayani Ganesh asks Guru ji

A detailed interview covering topics of Siddhi, Siddha, Siddha Medicine, Ayurveda, Healing, Animal Cruelty, the Difference between Dhyan and Meditation and whether Yagya is a Ritual or a Science.

Siddhi is an individual journey. What one has achieved in the spiritual world is exclusively the business of that soul.

जब आपको ऐसी सिद्धि मिलती है जिससे आप लोगों के विकारों का निवारण कर सकते हैं, इसका अर्थ है की आपने पिछले जनम में बहुत अच्छे कर्म किये थे | 

Dipika Chikhlia asks Guru ji

Reel life Sita clears her doubts about the real Sita Devi, Why was Sita ji Abducted, Was Sita Ravan’s Daughter and also about Depression, Doing Good for Others, Where does the Soul stay between Death and Birth?

राम एक परम सत्य है । ये एक ऐसा नाम है जो विश्वभर में पाया जाता है । सृष्टि का आधार है राम ! आप ध्यान कीजिए, इस परम सत्य के आपको प्रत्यक्ष दर्शन करवाएँगे ।

सामान्य जीव कहता है मेरा बैंक बैलेन्स बढ़े ! जो हरी मार्ग पर चल रहे हैं, वे सृष्टि के लिए कर्म ढूँढते हैं ।

Kaveree Bamzai asks Guru ji

Veteran Journalist seeks to find an answer to how can a feather touch from a distance of two inches make three hefty men fall like a deck of cards several feet away? The process of Enlightenment of Yogi ji, why He did not create a following around him, Gyan of Yoga, Asan and its effects, the Fear of Death and Clairvoyance.

A Yogi never falls sick and Yoga is not for curing diseases.

Time passes you. You never pass the time. Whatever body, looks, and power you have, it's going to go for sure.

Vikrant Gupta asks Guru ji

A heartfelt interaction addressing concerns about Children, their Future, Past Life karma, Faith & its impact, Defeat and Victory, Yoga beyond Exercise and the Science of Pranayam.

Dhyan Foundation volunteers go out alone to feed and rescue and have time and again been surrounded by goons of mafia, not a scratch on any of them. That is faith. Looking at them I am reminded of Guru Sahib, gidars have become shers.

Yogic sciences say that if someone has done some atrocity on you, taken something from you, then in some later birth, you will born in his house and get it back from him.

Swapna Sundari asks Guru ji

Padma Bhushan Dancer raises questions on How a Performer can awaken Spiritually, Transition from Visshuddhi to Agya, Shiva as the root of Dance, Mudras, Intuition and Clairvoyance, Ritual Sacrifice and Slaughter, Religion and Spirituality, Sanjeevani Mantra, Mental Health, Death, Destiny and Breathing Slower.

In the Dev Asur Sangram, Shukracharya used a combination of Shri Gayatri Mantra and Mahamrityunjai Mantra, with certain beej mantras.

You create a disease in your mind. Fear always manifests, as it is the closest to you.

Visitors Please Note! Dhyan Foundation does not promise or claim to perform any miracles, healings or demonstrate supernatural powers to the practitioners.

Please do not come to us looking for any of these. If you are looking to cure a disease, visit a doctor. If you are looking for financial gains, visit a consultant. If you want to mend relationships, visit a counsellor.

Come to us when you are desirous of the journey beyond.

Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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Dhyan Foundation

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New Delhi-49, India


Visitors Please Note! Dhyan Foundation does not promise or claim to perform any miracles, healings or demonstrate supernatural powers to the practitioners.

Please do not come to us looking for any of these. If you are looking to cure a disease, visit a doctor. If you are looking for financial gains, visit a consultant. If you want to mend relationships, visit a counsellor.

Come to us when you are desirous of the journey beyond.

Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Visitors Please Note! Dhyan Foundation does not promise or claim to perform any miracles, healings or demonstrate supernatural powers to the practitioners.

Please do not come to us looking for any of these. If you are looking to cure a disease, visit a doctor. If you are looking for financial gains, visit a consultant. If you want to mend relationships, visit a counsellor.

Come to us when you are desirous of the journey beyond.

Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.